Learn The Truth about Acupuncture and Fertility

Are you trying to conceive? Learn the truth about how acupuncture can help assisted fertility challenges such as: unexplained infertility, PCOS, endometriosis, ovulation disorders, decreased ovarian reserve, luteal phase defect, recurrent miscarriage, male factor (sperm count, motility, and morphology), and much more.

If you have been struggling with fertility challenges and not getting all the information you would like, you are not alone. At Tree Of Life Acupuncture, we feel that education and information is an important first step in restoring and uncovering fertility health. If you are interested in acupuncture to enhance your fertility, we recommend that you schedule a free consultation to begin the process of getting this valuable information.

Is More Better?

Whether going through IVF, IUI, medicated cycles, or natural conception our initial goal is to look into what may be going on with your reproductive system from many aspects. A common question that our patients ask is what else can they be doing to help improve their fertility and increase their chances of conception. The truth is that this is different for each patient. The internet can provide a great resource to find a wide variety of information, but it leaves out the means to determine what things are the best for you to try and when is the best time to try them. In general, a good concept is that less is more when working to optimize your energy and fertility. Trying only one or two things at a time, evaluating how they are helping or not helping then moving forward to consider the addition of anything else.

Finding the right Practitioner

The value of finding the right practitioner to facilitate this process, guiding you through the many difficulties and the unknowns in the fertility journey is invaluable. Our recommendation is that you take the time to interview your fertility practitioner and find someone who is the right fit for you. We are happy to make any referrals and help facilitate this process.

Are You Interested In Learning More About How Acupuncture Can Enhance Your Fertility?

Contact us TODAY to schedule for a free initial consultation to learn more.
